Now here's the part that sucks.
As I'm turning, I feel this cold sensation start cooling my cheeks. (Not my face...)
The drink that I had set on the seat (because my hubby's truck is an older model and they don't have stupid drink holders so I set it between the crease of the seats and my purse which normally keeps it in place just fine) is now laying at my side, spilling it's icy contents on the seat AND MY BOTTOM!!!!
I now look like I peed my pants.
Luckily when I walked into the tag office there was NO ONE THERE!!! And that in itself was a miracle! lol I was able to get in and out right away, only about 15 minutes of time! Which, now that I think about it, was a waste in gas. At least if I had to wait an hour or so it would have been worth the time to drive down there! ****
Warped, I know.
Anyway, I hate when that happens.
I finished my son's hat last night. I was too tired to start the other one, but I'll do that tonight when everyone's in bed. It looks cool. The only think I have left to do is add the pom pom thing. I'm not sure I'm going to though, I kind of like it like that so I might leave it.
here's the pic.

That's my beautiful son Caleb. He just turned two. Under that hat is a head full of long curly hair! lol Dad wants me to cut it. I told him where to go with that though :0)
Here are pics of the new and improved hat and booties from my last post. The hat has a new flower on it :0)

You know...I belong to a lot of yahoo list groups. One of them is a species specific bird group. You know...I think that if you're going to participate in a public list group (or anything really, because this pertains to life in general) you need to not only be nice to those who you have a difference of opinion, but for pete's sake, don't hate people because they don't share your opinion! There's more ways to do things that YOUR way. Just because your way works for you doesn't mean that it's the ONLY way to do something.
I get SO sick of the drama from grumpy people telling others how to do things. Or worse, making others feel bad because they do something different or have a general different opinion about it. Is life really that bad that you have to make others miserable with you!?
I feel sad for those people. If they were to just embrace life and go with it, they would be happier.
If you're not a people person, you don't belong on the net LMAO
1 comment:
The hat and the boy in it are very cute. Plus, are you talking about me?
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