I taught myself how about 4 years ago right after my second son was born. And then when I became pregnant with my youngest I taught myself how to knit. I also know how to cross stitch...that's fun too.
Most people think it's for old ladies LOL, but the truth is it's totally fun and it's very relaxing for me. I suffer from anxiety, so when I start feeling overwhelmed or jittery I just grab my needles and go for it1 It really does help. Needlework in general re-focuses your thoughts and energy onto something else. It does for me anyway. And the repetitive actions is great for my OCD LOL (yeah, I'm truly a mess...).
I made a hat for a friend of mine. Well, for her new baby anyway, her first girl. So I made it extra frilly and foo foo LOL. Here's a pic, but I put a flower on it after I took that pic. I should take a new one...but it's REALLY cute, I love it.

It's my very fist hat. And it took me only about 3 hours (it would have been shorter if I didn't have such a hard time remembering how to freakin crochet! lol). I made matching booties to go with it, although I'm not totally finished with the second one. 90% done though. First booties every made too :0) I'm kickin arse crocheting LOL. I'm very proud of myself. I think it's great for a first timer because it's symmetrical and everything!
I really don't have much else to say. I just felt bad for not posting anything. :0)
HAGD everyone, and GOD BLESS!!!
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